Agatha's virgin installment of GREET THE MEAT begins exactly how you would expect with FIVE COCKSMEN'S hands all over her. She's already sucking off one of the cocksmen as the others surround her face with their dicks. She starts deep-throating right off the bat as Chris slides under her hood to CHECK THE OIL. It doesn't distract Agatha in the least as she continues to stroke and suck all the dicks around her as if she had sucked off FIVE COCKSMEN at once before (even though this is her first gangbang). The amount of spit-- no, slobber she generates approaches legendary levels. Agatha keeps working her magic on the cocksmen until it's time for her very first COCKTOPUS. The men place their dicks over her face as her eyes almost go cross eyed. Agatha crawls down the hall leading her to the pedestal for her FIRST GANGBANG EVER! It's epic. Check it out now if some natural disaster has kept you from doing so already. Hopefully Agatha will blow into the Gangbang Station again soon on!